[JEUS] container xxxx initialization failed by error stream closing

까군 2012. 11. 29. 11:45


[2012.11.29 11:29:13][0][b288] [GINNODEV-102] [MGR-0462] container xxxx_xxxxxx initialization failed by error stream closing
[2012.11.29 11:29:13][1][b288] [GINNODEV-1] [Lifecycle-1101] jeus.server.ManagedEngineContainer@5a725a72: failed to start
[2012.11.29 11:29:13][0][b288] [GINNODEV-1] [MGR-0339] the container xxxx_xxxxxx failed to start.


오류와 함께 특정 컨테이너 기동 실패 시...

1. logs/TM 하위 로그파일 삭제 후 재기동

2. %JEUS_HOME%/config/[node명]/[node명_servlet_컨테이너명] 폴더 생성여부 확인